Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Going Past the "Choke Point"

This weekend, a speaker, Tracey Stewart, was invited to our church to share some revelations in the Word.

One thing she addressed was moving beyond the "choke point". The "choke point" is when you think or plan something and you can't think or plan any further than the "choke point" because it is difficult in our little minds to comprehend going even farther than what you are trying to dream.

So, I tried to think past this "choke point". I got up and wrote some dreams and plans of mine and I tried to stretch them past the "choke point". My "choke point" comes when, in the natural, I do not have the resources, current ability or skills to make that happen myself. But God does! If you diligently listen to the voice of the Lord and follow His commandments, He will bless anything you put your hand to (Deuteronomy 28)! As long as He is my focus, He will also direct my path and guide me to do whatever I need to do to get past that "choke point" (Proverbs 3:6)!

So, if my focus is on God, then it will be EASY to get past the "choke point" because with God ALL things are possible (Matthew 19:26)! With God, we are WELL able to overcome any and all obstacles that might get in the way (Numbers 13:30).

I WILL surpass my obstacles and great things WILL happen for the Kingdom!
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  1. I am rejoincing with and for you!!!


  2. Wow, Joanie! I love it! What a great way to share what the Lord has done in you! And, I love your writing style! Pastors Chuck has really started something! I love it!

    I forgot that Tracey even talked about the choke point... very thought provoking and necessary to share with the body. I'll have to get all of the CDs ASAP!

    Thanks for sharing!

